I strive for this verse:

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:28-30

Friday, May 7, 2010

Interesting Week

So it has been an interesting week this week. I went to cubscout committee meeting on Tuesday. I've been leading cubscouts for both my boys' dens for the past year and I attend most of the committee meetings as a leader and concerned parent to know what upcoming events are and the such. Anyhow, it is sad but due to the fact that we are a military cubscout pack, we have people pcsing (moving) or deploying left and right. At this moment, the major key people involved with the committee (keeps the pack going) are either deploying or moving this summer. We are now in need of other parents to jump in and help volunteer for positions if the pack wants to continue to exist. This is a hard task trying to get others to volunteer, especially when you are generally asking moms to step up as den leaders or committee leaders while husbands are deployed. This definitely is not an easy task to ask for or an easy task for a "temporarily single" mom to do either. I was asked if I would step up and take over the committee chair because of my known willingness to volunteer and organizational skills. This position is basically the over seer of all the positions. I am seriously thinking of doing it and stepping down as a den leader so that I can put my focus in committee chair to designate volunteers and help the pack continue to run. It will take some of my time but in a different aspect than as a den leader. I don't want to see the pack cease to exist. Yes I know I could find a pack elsewhere, off post, and non military. However, there is a special bond and understanding that exists among the military. It isn't something I understood as a civilian or even understood as military living far from a military base. It is hard to explain the effects of a deployment on a family to a civilian who has never experienced such a thing. I'm not saying that we are more special or anything, but what I mean is that it is nice for kids to relate to other kids who understand how it feels to have daddy gone....gone a lot....and gone in scary unsafe places. It helps them to know that they aren't alone and that there are other kids their ages going through the hardships of a deployment at the same time. And for me, it is nice to be around other wives who are an encouragement when dealing with a deployment as well because they are either in the midst of one or just finished going through one. So for this reason, I would like to see the military cubscout pack continue to exist because it gives a different type of support to the families of soldiers, not just the normal cubscout things. I'll be posting the update of what happens in the next 2 months whether our pack flourishes with new volunteers or falls by the wayside.

I got an email this week telling me that Josiah was accepted into Operation Purple Camp. It is a week long (5 night/6 day) camp for military kids ages 8 yrs and up of a deployed parent. It is located a little over an hour from me so I would drop Josiah off on a Sunday and pick him up on a Friday in August. It is also free! This would be Josiah's first overnight to a place unknown with unknown people. I think he will be fine and will make friends with other kids that are currently experiencing a deployment as well. Apparently, activities include climbing wall, archery, riflery, canoeing, swimming, horseback riding, and more!! What an awesome opportunity for him! Malachi is sad he isn't old enough of course :(

Anyhow, I started feeling sick again Wed night and all day yesterday. It was different than before but still not fun. I didn't have time to cancel the cubscout meeting Wed night so we still went and ran it. However, on my way home, I was in a daze just trying to get home fast. I was pulled over for speeding on post. I don't normally speed in town....I tend to speed some on highways in safe weather conditions though--my downfall :) Anyhow, Frank has always told me not to get pulled over for speeding on post because he has friends who have done so and got whopping tickets of nearly $200! So when I was pulled over the officer told me I was going 42mph in a 30mph section. I was so mad at myself and frustrated I was going to get a whopping ticket. Well, Judah at this point was screaming because he was hungry and I must have looked miserable because I think the officer felt sorry for me.....he ended up giving me a warning instead! I was so thankful!! I think Judah helped with that one :)

So tonight I met up with an old friend from Highschool. Her and her husband were in town so we took the kids to the airplane restaurant. It is a restaurant that is built with an airplane in it. We ate in the airplane and the cockpit is designed to let the kids go play inside of it. I now have a place to take my husband on a date when we can't get childcare! Frank and I can now sit and talk alone in this restaurant while the kids go play in the cockpit! They had a blast and are wanting to take daddy there now! It was a pretty cool set up I have to say so myself.

I got a beautiful bonsai plant in the mail today from my wonderful husband and kids for Mother's Day! I will take a picture and put it up tomorrow. The kids didn't know that daddy sent it but when I read the card that said it was from daddy and them...they started taking the credit and saying thanks as though they planned it themselves...it was cute! I find it funny that Frank would send me a plant though.....I tend to forget to water them.....and thus they die :( I hope I can keep this one alive! I wasn't expecting anything though because before Frank left he bought me a really nice camera...a sony alpha 550 to cover all major holidays, my birthday, anniversary, etc this year while he was gone! I love my new camera and look forward to the extra time during the summer that I will have on my hands to learn how it works manually.

Anyhow, that is about it for now. Both the boys have soccer games in the morning. For whatever reason, Aliyah doesn't have a game tomorrow, however, the boys' games overlap. So I'll be watching Malachi's game since I will miss most of his this season because all of his overlap with Aliyah and only 1 or 2 overlap with Josiah. I wish I could watch both games though. I love watching my boys play soccer!

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