I strive for this verse:

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:28-30

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Indian Curry

Ok...so this is Frank's version of Indian Curry. I made it tonight for the first time by myself and my little ones said it tasted like daddy's. To be honest though, it tasted mostly like daddy's...there was just something that made it taste slightly different. It is still yummy though and much cheaper than eating it in the restaurant! Here is his recipe:

1 lb pork pieces (or chicken)
1 small onion
2T garlic
2T ginger
1 can diced tomatoes
2 cups chicken broth
3/4 cup plain yogurt (approx)
3T curry powder
3T garam masala
salt and pepper
In large skillet add 2T olive oil and 3T butter. Saute diced onion for about 3 minutes and add pork. Salt and pepper pork and fry suate until almost complete. 2 Minutes from end add garlic and ginger. Cook for 2 minutes. Pull from heat and add yogurt to generously coat meat. Add the garam masala and curry powder. Mix well and return to heat for an additional 2 minutes. The sauce should be brown in color. Now add the diced tomatoes and chicken broth. Let simmer uncovered for 30 minutes or until sauce thickens. If the sauce does not thicken to your liking, add little corn starch mixed in water at the end to thicken. if it does not taste exactly how you like, smell spices and add until your pallet tastes what you want.

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