So I'm finally going to update a little about our summer! While most of this post will be pictures, I will talk a bit about what we did.
We have had a very busy summer here! The end of June, the military had some movers come in and pack up all of our things and move them to VA. At that point we then drove up to Indiana to visit Frank's family then drove south to Kentucky to do some camping and then over to Virginia to our final destination. It was a blast!! We spent time in IN camping for the 4th of July with my kindred "sister" in Christ, Ginny, and her family. Also, both of Frank's brothers, their wives, his dad and his new wife also joined us camping!!! It was the first time since we all have been married to spend so much time together! It was so great to have everyone together for the weekend. My kids also had a blast playing with Ginny's kids, as many of them were born close together. Ginny and I have been pregnant 4 times together :) I took some pics on our last day but we forgot that Matt (her oldest, an 11 yr old), had to leave early for a boyscout event. So Matt wasn't in the pictures....pooh :(
While in IN, we enjoyed visiting Frank's grandparents as well. They are such wonderful people! I met them before I met Franks' parents, when they brought him to college once. It is also cool that Frank's grandpa's dad was born at the state hospital in North Warren, when it was a regular hospital...the same place that my dad has worked all these years! Crazy!
After we left IN, we drove to KY with Dad (Frank's dad) and Andrea and camped some more. It was such a fun time as we had a chance to hike, go swimming, and just plain relax around a campfire! The kids had a blast, as they love to camp!!
We then went to VA and after about a week in a hotel, we located housing and had our household goods delivered. Since we are only here for a short few months, we left most things packed in boxes in our garage for now. We live in a cul de sac and have met most of the neighbors and found many young children here as well. God has blessed us in our move for sure!
In the past 2 weeks, Judah has had surgery to fix his hernia and has healed great. Josiah went in today for surgery to remove his tonsils and adnoids, but due to a cough, they rescheduled the surgery for October now.
We have also begun homeschooling for the year last week. However, I will put together another separate post regarding homeschooling.
So without further ado, I will post pictures below of the past 2 months.
Frank and Dena
11 yr anniversary month
15 weeks pregnant (July 2011)
Family Picture
17 month old Cutie Pie!!
He still loves his fingers!
So pretty :)
They are growing up so fast!!
Brothers on a walk.
Aliyah and Judah with Aunt Maggie.
Aliyah and Aunt Sarah.
Sarah (my sister in law) and I
Uncle Daniel and kids
Uncle Adam, Aunt Sarah, and kids
Grandma and Grandpa Carr
Married 61 years and so in love!!!
4 generations of the first born sons!!
The older men here are 6 ft tall and taller so Josiah has a few years to catch up!
Papa and his grandsons.
Great Papa, Great Grandma, Papa, Grandma Andrea and the kids altogether for a picture.
My father in law and Andrea with the kids.
Great Grandparents with their grandkids. According to Aliyah, "I know why Great grandma is called great. It is because she is so great and nice!"
Aliyah taking a picture of herself with Aunt Maggie.
My oldest and youngest....for now :)
Oh my goodness...Judah is actually smiling!!
Maggie (my sister in law) and I
A duplicate picture that I posted. I can't figure out how to delete this one.
I love this girl!! She is my sister at heart.
I was teasing Ginny about her height :) I can't say much because I'm not that tall either.
All my kids and Ginny's kids, minus Matthew. Malachi, Judah, Ella, Sarah, Aliyah, Josiah, and Sam. Josiah/Ella, Aliyah/Sam, and Judah/Sarah were all pregnancy buddies.
Papa and Judah swimming
I love my family!!! Do you notice I'm the only one with dark hair here?!
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