I strive for this verse:

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:28-30

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Aliyah!!! (this post was delayed)

Happy 5th Birthday to my sweet Aliyah Deborah!

Aliyah turned 5 years old on March 22. I remember the day she was born like yesterday. I had a homebirth with her and Frank was in training so he missed her birth. I was blessed to have my sister and a few friends there for support. My labor was only about 2 1/2 hours and due to this and my delay in calling my midwife, she actually was late to her birth and her assistant ended up delivering her. I remember after I pushed her out, the midwife's assistant, immediately wrapped her in a towel and gave her to me as I sat in our large garden bath tub. She never told me her sex so I had the chance to take a peek under the towel for myself. I was overjoyed to find that God had blessed me with the opportunity to raise a beautiful daughter for Him! I love raising my boys without a doubt, but I also know one day as they become men, they will have that special relationship with their dad and draw further from me in ways. A daughter will tend to stay close to their mother. I'm so very blessed to have both sons and a daughter, soon to be daughters once we bring home our daughter from Ethiopia.

I want to tell you about my sweet girl. She brings a smile to my face everyday with her silly antics and sayings. She randomly will talk about anything just to have a conversation with you. Unlike my boys, she has been talking since she was 18 months old and even was fully potty trained at 15 months old! She is very independent, has been since about 18 months old. She picks out her own clothes and it is adorable at times to see what she comes up with! She loves to done a princess dress and go outside and climb trees in it with her brothers! Her brothers call her a "girly girl tomboy" . I know the term comes across contradicting, but the fact is that Aliyah loves princesses yet prefers to play anything "boyish" with her brothers. Her brothers love her dearly and take good care of her for sure! She spent her first 2 1/2 years not living with nor really knowing her daddy, yet you would never know that as she is truly a daddy's girl through and through. She has a very sweet spirit about her and loves to give hugs and kisses. She is a great big sister to her baby brother. She enjoys helping him do things and teaching him things. Her favorite foods that she requested for her birthday meals were daddy's stuffed french toast, nachos, and spaghetti with broccoli. This girl loves her veggies!! I love that, considering that her brothers have all become picky over eating their veggies. Recently before her birthday, she has learned how to read (3-4 and some 5 letter words) and ride her bike without training wheels. She loves to be outdoors playing in dirt. She enjoys hiking, especially the past 6 months, and loves to run ahead with her brothers and hide in the woods trying to scare us. She would love to live in the woods if she had her choice. We went camping the other night as that was her birthday request. I have been blessed greatly with this little sweet girl of mine. I love you Aliyah, my sweetheart. I am so blessed that God has given you to me to raise as a homemaker and a lover of Jesus. I love you sweet girl with all my heart! Happy 5th birthday Aliyah!

Here are some pictures of her taken during the past week. I know there are a lot but I liked them all!

The above was a project Josiah made for his sister for her bday! He is so sweet!

Aliyah requested light sabers for her birthday and out of all her gifts including money, clothes, jewelry, a special Afghanistan outfit, a baby, jewelry box, a princess workbook, and a few others....she told me her favorite was this light saber and a toy pistol her brother bought her. As I said, she loves anything to do with playing with her brothers, including their toys!

The "brown" baby she requested to have the same skin color as her sister. (Papa sent this.)

Aliyah with her friends at her party. Yes most are boys and are her brothers friends but she requested they come to her party b/c she said they are her friends too :)

Sweet girls! Molly is like Aliyah's bigger sister!

The pretty Afghanistan outfit that daddy bought and brought home with him for Aliyah's birthday!

Aliyah decided to use the money her grandma sent her to get her ears pierced. She was scared and I had to hold her. I kept telling her she could wait a few more years, that she didn't have to do it. She insisted that she wanted to do it. She sat very still, never moved and never cried. She smiled finally after seeing her earrings in the mirror :)

I love you Aliyah Deborah!

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