Frank is finally home from his year long tour to Afghanistan! We are so excited and happy that he is home. We have enjoyed this past week with him, relaxing, hiking/geocaching, took the kids to a bike park, went to the parade, and even had a date without the kids! Thank you all who have kept us in your prayers over the past year! I'm amazed by the support of some of you friends and family, along with a multitude of strangers who greet me with thanks and gratitude for keeping the homefront going while my hubby is in war. I have had a comment made recently to me by a loved one that "Frank knew what he was getting into when he signed up for the army", in reference to my frustration of him returning to work this week for stuff when I just wanted some time with him after a long separation. I will say this, yes, it is correct that Frank knew what he was getting into, along with myself. However, he did not sign up so that he could spend time away from us in trainings and deployments. He chose a noble job that protects our freedom, that keeps war at bay, in another country, so that we all can live our lives without fear. He fights for everyone in this country. We, as a family, make sacrifices for this freedom that we all experience. It comes at a cost, one that many military families have to pay for. The least bit someone could do would thank those that fight for freedom. I believe the comment that was made is stemmed from an irrational belief that my husband chooses to leave us. I want to clarify that my husband does not choose to leave us, nor desires to. His job takes him away from us. Yet, without a military, our country would not stand up with all the freedoms and safety that we have. It is necessary for a military, and yes, my husband chose this career path to protect his country, his family, and to provide for his family as well. I am just amazed how complete strangers are more supportive than loved ones at times. Ok, now that I got that off my chest, enjoy the following pics!
Do you notice the men guarding the doors? They were making sure that the men didn't come in early, nor family members snuck out the doors to see their loved ones.
Can you find Frank? He is about the 7th row back, 2nd man in.
The pics were all smokey because as the men and women came in, a fog machine let out a lot of smoke for cool effects!
I didn't get in the picture as everyone was busy hugging their loved ones so I didn't want to bother random people to ask to take a pic.
Judah wearing his Irish hat that daddy bought him on his return trip, traveling through Ireland.
Oh and Aliyah can ride her bike without training wheels!
Frank showing the boys (on Malachi's bike) how to ride the jumps at the bike park.