And speaking of being frugal, I make my own laundry soap. I have been doing this for a little over a year now and it really works. I did a price comparison for a bible study once on this and found that I pay a mere $.05 a load to wash with my homemade detergent and the other brands (comparisons were done with Walmart/Target prices) ...from the store cheap brand to the more expensive Tide ranged from about $.20-$.35 a load to wash. And with my kids...we go through a lot of laundry thus we are saving money for sure with me making my own laundry soap! And it really does work well too! So here is what I use:
Powdered Version: 1 c. Borax, 1 c. Washing Soda, 2 c. (2 bars) grated ivory soap. Mix well and you get something that looks like this:
It only takes 2 T. of the detergent per wash load. I usually use 3 T. for my cloth diapers but stick to the 2 T. for everything else. I have made a liquid version before but I prefer the powdered because I can easily pack it and take with me on trips! A few more frugal tips....I use about a 1/4. c. of vinegar in a downy ball in the rinse water, 2 dryer balls in the dryer (no need for dryer sheets), and ivory bar soap for my stain remover. As for the stain remover...I wet the clothes and wet the bar and rub it in real good then wash. I have found this to be so much more effective than Shout! Obviously it is also so much cheaper!
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