I strive for this verse:

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:28-30

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We have a puppy!!... and a few random pics....

So my hubby decided he wanted to buy me a dog for Valentines day. I think this was really his excuse to get a dog for himself! Anyhow, we adopted a sweet puppy from the Humane Society. We were told he is about 8 weeks old (same age as Elias) and is part Beagle and something else, most likely golden retriever. We named him Thor!

Elias at 8 weeks old! He is chubby!

Judah fell asleep half naked in front of his bedroom door after being told to go get some underwear :)

He is too cute!

Malachi loving on his brother.

So sweet!

Best buddies!

Monkey and her daddy :)

They both fell asleep like this together! So precious!

Judah turns two years old!

Happy 2nd Birthday
Judah Gabriel!!
(born Feb 11, 2010)

Dear Judah,
So you are now two years old! I can't believe that 2 yrs ago, I held you for the first time! I remember during my whole pregnancy, we were convinced that you were a girl and when my midwife put you in my arms for the first time and I felt your little boy privates, my heart leaped with joy when I realized I was blessed with another son! I love you so much my precious. Your personality has really been forthcoming lately! You are such a funny boy and yet you also have so much spunk! You are a feisty one and keep me on my toes to say the least! It is also funny to watch you try to keep up with your older siblings all the time. Your favorite one is still Malachi, of which you call him bubba. You have recently started calling Josiah, bubbie and Aliyah, ihe (sounds like sissy with an h sound for the s). You even call your baby brother baby "e". You love to play with star wars lightsabers with your brothers and your favorite toys are cars and dinosaurs. I love how during school you will climb up into your own school chair and color pictures, pretending to be doing school. Yet you also drive your siblings crazy as you try to steal their school work to scribble all over it! I love how loving you can be with all your sweet hugs and kisses, yet sometimes you will pretend to hug or kiss then you will run away! Some of your favorite things include milk, cookies, cars, dinosaurs, markers, paint, light sabers, and dogs. You try to say a few words now including: milk, cookie, doggy, sissy, bubbie, bubba, mommy, daddy, where daddy?, poop, pee, please, stinky, butt, eye, nose, baby, bye bye, hug, me, and mine. Now you can't pronounce them all exactly but you sure try to! You also continue signing a few words and have been potty trained for about 6 months now! You have potty accidents but that is to be expected at this age, yet you do so well with it most of the time. You are growing up my sweet boy! I love you so much as you are a blessing to our whole family!

Happy Birthday my sweet son! I love you with all my heart little one.

love, mama