I strive for this verse:

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:28-30

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Josiah turns 10!!!

Happy 10th Birthday Josiah!!
(November 19, 2011)

My dearest Josiah,

My oh, my, where has the time gone?! I can't believe that 10 years have flown by in a blink of an eye since the first time held you and took on the role as a mommy. I love being a mommy! You have blessed me so much, son. I am amazed at the young man that you are turning into. I can't believe that I only have a few more years left with you before you leave the house. I get teary eyed thinking about that day, as I can't imagine you not being with me, your mommy. God has grabbed you so close to Him as you are very sensitive to Him in your life. I love to watch your relationship grow with our Heavenly Father. At this point in your life, you have made known that you truly feel that God has called you to be a missionary. I know, without a doubt, that God will use you in a special way to reach the lost people. It makes this mama's heart smile seeing you read your bible, praying, and talking about God in such a personal way. I am so thankful that you are my son that God has given me to raise for His service. I love you so much Josiah! You are such a sweet gentleman as well. You are more than willing to help complete strangers just as much as you are willing to help those you know well. People comment to me all the time about how sweet, friendly, and helpful you are. Your younger siblings adore you, more than you realize. Malachi looks up to you and wants to be with you all the time. It brings joy to me, to see how close of a relationship that you have with him. I'm so thankful that you all love each other so much. This past year, I have noticed how you have changed from little boy conversations to bigger boy conversations. I have enjoyed these moments in which we learn more about each other as we get to talk about all kinds of things. I enjoy each new thing you learn and am so blessed that I get to have you at home learning with me rather than send you off to school. It is so wonderful that I get to spend my days with you and your siblings. I am so proud of you Josiah, for the young man you are turning into, for all the things you do, for who you are and your vibrant love of God. I love you so much!!!! You make me smile, my sweet boy.

Happy Birthday Josiah!!

love always,
your mommy

You sure have some wild hair when you wake up!

Wow! Money from Grandma Carr! Judah loved your card by the way and just growled when he saw the dinosaur!

The book you wanted and a book light from Papa and Grandma Andrea!

Your little brother being cheesy :)

Malachi and Aliyah were so proud that they picked out this lego set for you and spent their own money on it too!

Opening up our gift to you.

The same race car that Malachi and Daddy both got for their birthdays....but in your favorite color.

Bowling for your birthday.

My handsome 10 yr old!!

Daddy's friend, Larry, joined us for your birthday. Fun sparklers on your requested chocolate cheesecake!

Favorite Things:

Food: this changes often, it was nachos, but now I think it is chicken and dumplings....maybe a close tie with shrimp!

Sport: soccer, hands down!

Season: I know you would say Colorado's summer, but you really love winter b/c you love the snow.

Pastime: reading and playing board games

Game: star wars monopoly and risk

Color: red

School Subject: science.....or rather anything you can read...so maybe reading???

Movie: The Last Airbender

Book: you will say your Bible...but besides that, you love anything by author Rick Riordan

Toy: Legos

Birthday Meals Requested:

Breakfast: sausage gravy and bisquits

Lunch: Daddy's french toast

Dinner: Chicken and Dumplings

Dessert: Chocolate Cheesecake

Thursday, October 13, 2011


We will officially be homeowners once again Dec 30th! I can't remember if I mentioned before or not, but we will be moving in January to Fort Eustis, VA, which is only an hour from where we are right now. Since it was so close we decided to drive down and meet with a real estate agent to buy a home with the intentions of renting it out when we move in about two years. So after looking at some houses, we found one that is in a great neighborhood, on a cul de sac, has a big backyard with a wooden playset built, and close to Fort Eustis! The kids are thrilled and have been asking for a dog now! However, after discussing it further, we think it would be difficult moving in the future with a dog. So, Frank and I decided that most likely we will allow the kids to get a lizard instead :) I know it isn't as fun as a dog, but what boy doesn't like reptiles?!! I mentioned this to the boys and told them they can put the lizard in their rooms....and they were so excited! Anyhow, the contract has been signed and we got a pretty good interest wait, but will be waiting for 11 weeks to close on the home and get the keys. It is funny how our closing date is the day after baby "E" is due. I think I will be giving Frank power of attorney in case I don't make it to closing with a new baby....if the baby comes early :)

Josiah's surgery

A week ago today, Josiah had surgery and had his tonsils and adnoids removed. The doctor who suggested this surgery thinks that it will help his speech improve along with his breathing. Currently Josiah takes meds daily to help with his nasal passage to open and breath better, but honestly they haven't helped much and he has just become accustomed to not being able to breath much from his nose. He has been healing well over the past week and enjoyed a Dairy Queen gift card from his grandparents! He will see the doctor next week for a follow-up appointment and time will tell if it improves his breathing in the end. I think he was sad he had to miss out a week of soccer but he will be back to it in no time!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall Pictures 2011 (first attempt)

I took the kids to a nearby park the other day for an attempt at getting some fall pictures of them together. As expected, getting 4 kids to have natural smiles, not blinking, and looking at the camera all at the same time is not easy! Nevertheless, I got some good pictures of my sweet, beautiful kiddos! We will attempt this again on a weekend with daddy for some family pictures.

Warning: there are many pictures to look at so keep on scrolling and hitting older posts until you view them all :)